Little Chefs

And Crafters

Yarn Easter Suncatcher

This Yarn Easter Suncatcher is a simple and colorful craft that kids of all ages will love. It’s a great way to add some festive cheer to your home or classroom.

Materials Needed:

White Glue



Plastic Wrap


Easter Cookie Cutters

Wax Paper


String or Ribbon


  1. Mix together equal parts of white glue and water in a bowl. This will be your glue solution.
  2. Cut a piece of plastic wrap and lay it flat on a table. You can use Easter cookie cutters as a guide, or simply freehand a design.
  3. Dip the yarn into the glue solution, making sure it’s completely covered.
  4. Start placing the yarn onto the plastic wrap, following your chosen design. Make sure to press down on the yarn so it sticks to the plastic wrap.
  5. Once you have filled in your design with the yarn, cut a piece of wax paper that is slightly larger than your design. Place the wax paper on top of the yarn and press down gently.
  6. Allow the yarn and glue to dry completely. This may take a few hours, or you can leave it overnight.
  7. Once the glue is completely dry, carefully peel the plastic wrap away from the yarn. If any glue has seeped through, you can use a pair of scissors to carefully cut it away.
  8. Cut a piece of ribbon or string and attach it to the top of your suncatcher.
  9. Hang your suncatcher in a window or other bright area and watch the colors come to life!

This Yarn Easter Suncatcher craft is a fun and easy way to celebrate Easter with your kids. It’s also a great opportunity to teach them about the colors of spring and the symbolism of Easter. You can talk to them about the Easter Bunny, Easter eggs, and the new life that comes with spring.

This craft is also highly customizable – you can use any colors of yarn that you like and create any design that you want. You can even experiment with different shapes and sizes.

Overall, making a Yarn Easter Suncatcher is a great way to spend quality time with your kids and create a beautiful decoration for your home. It’s easy, fun, and can be done with just a few simple materials. So grab your yarn and glue, and get ready to create some Easter magic!

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